What is Swipe All?
Swipe all is a feature that allows you to change all the sounds in your Hyph at once. Just swipe
anywhere on the screen and all your sounds will change to a new set of sounds.
How can I change the volume?
You can change the volume by using the volume mixer. Each ring has its own volume slider that
you can adjust to get the perfect mix.
How can I add or remove sounds?
To add sounds, tap the 'Add Sound' icon and choose from the sound options available. To remove
a sound, long press on a ring and select 'Delete'.
Can I upload my own music?
Currently, HYPH does not support uploading your own music due to copyright considerations.
However, you can create your own music using the sounds available within the app.
How many rings can I have in one Hyph?
A Hyph can have up to eight rings, including the vocal ring.
How do I mute a Sound?
To mute a sound, long press on the corresponding ring and select 'Mute'.
How do I delete a Sound?
To delete a sound, long press on the corresponding ring and select 'Delete'.
What does the Lock mean?
Locking a ring means that the sound in that ring will not change when you use the 'Swipe All'
function. This is useful when you want to keep a particular sound while experimenting with others.
How can I change the Music style?
To change the music style, tap on the music style icon on the bottom left of the screen and select a
new style from the options available.
How do I choose different sounds?
You can get different sounds by swiping a ring or using the 'Swipe All' function. You can also tap on
a ring and select a new sound from the sound options available.
How does the ‘Sections’ function work?
Sections divide your Hyph into different parts of a song, such as verses, choruses, and bridges.
You can add or remove sections and rearrange them to structure your Hyph.
Can I change the tempo?
Yes, you can adjust the tempo by tapping on the tempo icon at the top of the screen and moving
the slider to your desired tempo.
Can I change the pitch/key?
Yes, you can change the pitch or key of your entire Hyph. You can do this by tapping the pitch icon
at the top of the screen and moving the slider to adjust the pitch or key as desired. This will affect
all the instruments within your Hyph.